I had just arrived in Kanohagakure (hidden leaf village) taking the small bag with me I looked up at the sign below it there was the gaurd box with two guys sleeping. I just shook my head and continued into the village I went to the Hokage's office wanting to know if I could reside here for at least a little while. When I was about to open the door a yellow blur came zooming out knocking me onto my backside. I looked up at the person seeing it was...my cousin? I was confused for a moment and then instantly he glomped me sending me into a fit of giggles.

"Kili I missed you so much," he said pulling away and standing me up dragging me to stand on my feet it was a little disorientating to say the least making me dizzy.

"Yeah missed you too cuz so I need to check in with the Hokage," I said getting out of his death grip and going into the office I politely bowed and said, "Hokage-sama I wish to reside in this village for a while please?"

"Sure just don't cause any mischief with your cousin Naruto," she said dismissing me.

I left to see Naruto waiting for me outside the door. He asked, "So where you gonna stay?"

I just sweatdropped and said, "I thought I'd be staying with you since the only reason I'm here is to visit you for awhile."

"Oh yeah I'll clean up the guest bedroom for you but I was wondering why didn't you ask to be a ninja I know you're strong enough for it I mean you passed to jounin test when you were five," he asked looking genuinely confused.

"I'll ask later because otherwise she'll want me on missions right away," I said.

"Well here we are home sweet home," he said smiling while opening the door to his apartment I hadn't even noticed that we had been moving at all.

When I went into the main room it was a pig sty so I looked at Naruto and said, "Get out I'm cleaning now."

He put his hands up knowing that he wasn't able to stop me when I got my mind on something. Once he was gone I shut the door and tossed my bag onto the floor by the door the only part of the floor that I could see at the moment. Then I started up my ipod listening to music so I wouldn't get bored while cleaning then I started. Once I was done I set my stuff up in the spare room smiling down at a picture of one of my best friends that I hadn't seen in a long time I couldn't really remember his name but just looking at the picture always got me smiling even if I didn't know why since my memory had been partially removed but only a small portion so it didn't bother me that much anymore. I went out into the village and automatically I got tackled by a big white dog I put my hands up to pet his muzzle affectionately laughing because his tounge tickled when he started to lick my face repeatedly.

"Akamaru off," a guys voice said.

The dog automatically to reveal a sheepish looking brown haired guy with red triangles on his face holding out his hand to help me up I quickly took it and he pulled me up I just smiled and said, "Your dog is so cute~! Thanks for helping me up."

"Haha thanks and no problem so you're new to the village?" he asked then said, "Oh yeah my name is Kiba and he's Akamaru."

"Yeah I'm new to the village I'm living with my cousin Naruto for a while my name's Kili," I said smiling brightly.

"Well it's nice to meet you do you need a guide around the village?" he asked smiling just as brightly as me.

 "Sure where do you think Naruto would be I kinda kicked him out of his apartment so I could clean?" I asked while he started leading me around the village while pointing out stuff to me.

"Probably at the ramen shop just ahead," he said pointing to a sign that said, 'Ichiraku's'.

I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thanks for showing me around see ya later."

I then ran off into the ramen shop and glomped Naruto as soon as I got in there. I noticed a couple of other people were with him and they stared at me I quickly used my thumb pointing at myself I said, "Hello I am Kili Uzumaki cousin to this knuckle headed weirdo."

"SUCH YOUTH!!!!" two guys said coming and getting on their knees all teary eyed they had matching bowl cuts and green jumpsuits one was older while the other seemed to be the same age as me.

I just giggled and said, "Thanks so what are all your guys' names?"

"I am Guy-sensei feel free to come to me if you need help with anything," the older bowl cut dude said.

"And I am Rock Lee his loyal student," the younger bowl cut said then they both struck a pose and I couldn't help but strike a pose too.

"I am Sakura Haruno its nice to meet you," the pink haired girl said smiling at me.


"I know that 'hn' anywhere your my long lost best friend but what's your name that was kinda wiped from my memory," I asked going straight to the dude with the duck butt hair.

"That's Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Ooooh an Uchiha figures well come on we have a lot to catch up on," I said dragging him out of the ramen shop and to a field that Kiba had pointed out to me earlier while showing me around.

I sat down pulling his hand so he was forced to sit next to me he was pretty stunned by what had just happened. I stared at him for a while waiting for him to adjust to what just happened he looked just as he had in the picture except his eyes were haunted and he was older and I gotta admit hotter.

"So he didn't wipe your whole memory I'm glad," he said after adjusting to the current situation.

"Who?" I asked puzzled.

"My older brother he practically took everything from me but I-"

"TELL ME HIS NAME!!! BAKA!!!" I shouted getting frustrated because it felt as if I was on the verge of discovering something important.

"Itachi and don't call me.....Kili what's wrong?" he asked but I couldn't hear him after he said 'Itachi.'

I was in my own world and I couldn't see anything around me except darkness and then a light shined in the distance and my body started running to it on its own my mind not processing what just happened. Then I came face to face with Itachi he looked grim and then he started to speak, "You will remember everything if you find Sasuke and he tells you my name Kili I need you to tell him the truth but keep him from destroying the village. I was ordered by Danzo to kill the Uchiha clan and I was able to persuade him to let me let Sasuke live but if I didn't do as I was told the whole Uchiha clan would have been killed along with Sasuke but he also ordered me to erase your memory but he didn't say how much so I'll just lock it away for now but I'm sure you will gain it."

"Do what you need to Itachi I trust you," I heard myself saying while smiling sadly.

"Sasuke told me to keep this a secret but Kili he loves you," he said then he started to fade and I regained the missing part of my memory in a flash.

When I opened my eyes I blushed at how close Sasuke was to my face then I asked, "Do you still love me?"

"Who told you I loved you?" he asked puzzled.

"Itachi before he was forced to erase my memory by Danzo my memories were unlocked by you telling me his name," I said still blushing but he had moved to sit back down in the first spot.

"I had told him to keep that a secret but yes I still love you," he said looking down.

"Then you trust me?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied automatically.

I told him what Danzo had ordered Itachi to do so many years ago his eyes began to get teary after I got done telling him. I pulled his head to my chest hugging him to my body while the sobs shook his body. I rubbed his back waiting for him to calm down some then before I could think about it I pulled his head up smashing my lips to his he quickly responded pushing me on my back and deepening the kiss.

Then I heard, "SUCH YOUTHFUL SHOWS OF AFFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We pulled away both of us looking down then Guy-sensei ran by waving at us like an idiot.

"Wanna continue this somewhere more private?" Sasuke asked looking at me darkly.

"Maybe some other time lover boy," I said then ran away from him as fast as I could but he caught me anyway and kissed me deeply.

He pulled away and asked, "Wanna be my girl?"

"Sure Duck-butt," I said giggling.

He playfully glared and said, "Love you too."

"Hm," I said then when he started looking worried I said, "Love you too, Duck-butt."

He just rolled his eyes and kissed me again sweetly. We always stayed by each others side after that becoming the cutest couple in Kanoha and all the boys
were envious of Sasuke and all the girls were envious of me at first but then
they got over it and were happy for us. Naruto was very accepting of us saying
he knew we were going to end up together eventually and Sasuke got over his
revenge obsession although we did kill Danzo once he got too annoying.

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